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Enrolment Reporting Initiative Webinar – February 7, 2017

This webinar hosted on February 7, 2017 provides an overview of the material presented at the CESBA Enrolment Reporting Initiative Workshop held on January 24, 2017. Material is presented by the Ministry of Education and members of the CESBA ERI Committee. […]

February 9, 2017

EXPLORING LEARNER PATHWAYS: Meeting at the LBS/ESL Intersections – Final Report

The Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy’s (MTML’s) Exploring Learning Pathways: Meeting at the LBS/ESL Intersections project researched the learning pathways and needs of Anglophone-stream low-level Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) learners whose mother tongue or primary language is other than […]

February 1, 2017

D2L Online Resource: Teaching Anxious Teens to Manage their Anxiety – A Dual Credit Program

This online course enables teens in group therapy to earn a high-school credit. The resource, designed for D2L, is free to any publicly funded school or college. Contact Bernie Mosley-Williams (NPSCDSB) for a copy: Read more about the course […]

January 26, 2017


January 24, 2017 The ERI Workshop is for lead board personnel responsible for A&CE electronic reporting to OnSIS. Visit the ERI Resources page for presentations. Agenda Enrolment Reporting Initiative Webinar This webinar, hosted on February 7, 2017,  provided an overview of the […]

January 24, 2017