Welcome to Living Classroom Curriculum Integration Toolkit

CESBA has been supporting school board personal support worker (PSW) programs for over 20 years. We are continuing that support as programs grow and as some boards adopt the Living Classroom Model.

This toolkit is designed to assist educational institutions’ PSW programs incorporate experiential and integrated learning experiences and activities into their partnered long-term care (LTC) homes. It can be used as a template and adapted to meet the needs of any PSW program looking to adopt a Living Classroom model.

The toolkit includes Living Classroom exercises and mapping documents, as well as various activities to embed students onto a LTC home floor or bring the LTC home into the classroom. There are some assignments, reflections and rubrics that can be used with each activity. Please feel free to download and edit any of these to meet the needs of your program.

The Living Classroom Curriculum Integration Toolkit is password protected. To receive the password, send an introduction email to livingclassroom@cesba.com with your work email.

Password protected: Living Classroom Curriculum Integration Toolkit

Send us your feedback!

This is a living document. We will continue to update and modify this document over time. As such, we look to you for feedback. What activities have you used and what worked or didn’t work? How did you adapt it to work better for you? Did it inspire you to come up with different activities, assignments or assessments? Please share your feedback with us! Email livingclassroom@cesba.com


The Living Classroom Curriculum Integration Toolkit was created by Tammy Cantin, RN (CESBA) in collaboration with Jill Corkery, RN (Waterloo Catholic District School Board) and Rochelle Smith, RN (Durham Catholic District School Board).

The Living Classroom program is funded by the Government of Ontario and led by the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA) through the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (Ontario CLRI), in partnership with the Ontario Association of Adult and Continuing Education School Board Administrators (CESBA).