211 Update Instructions (EO Portal)

To update your 211 (EO Portal) listing, visit: https://updates.211support.org/Record/submit?drp=on

Please read the instructions below. Contact Urszula with any questions at umazur@cesba.com

Step 1:  Type your agency name (i.e. your adult high school or school board) and a results page with your listing(s) will show up

Step 2:  Select the Adult High School Diploma credit listings

Step 3: Once a listing is selected, a new window will open with all the information contained in that record. Please review the information, field by field and enter any changes that need to be made

Step 4: Once all information is reviewed and changes suggested, please click on the “submit” button on the bottom of the page.

Once “submit” is selected, an email will be sent to the 211 centre responsible for maintaining that listing. The 211 centre representative will review all suggested changes, follow up with the person who submitted changes (if required) and process the update.

If you search by agency and can’t locate your adult high school listing. Please visit:

https://updates.211support.org/Record and suggest a “new record”. Fill out the form and submit all information. A Findhelp representative will triage that new record request to the appropriate 211 partner.