Réunion régionale de l’Ouest à London

Jeu 08 Juin

8:30 am - 2:15 pm


1:00-1:10Welcome and land acknowledgement
1:10-1:35Ministry updates:  MLITSD (ESL) – Umme Namdarkhan, MLITSD (LBS) – Bina Osthoff (invited), EDU – Daniel Denomme, and IRCC – Rep invited
1:35-1:50Goals for regional meetings 2022-23 – Paul Cox
1:50-1:55Poll about research results and transition to breakout groups
1:55-2:30Small group discussions • Credit/PLAR/Guidance • LBS • ESL/LINC • PSW • IILE
2:30-2:55CESBA updates: Conference and other events; PSW, PLAR, and LBS project updates; research projects
2:55-3:00 Evaluation, next meeting and adjourn