Two-Day PLAR Workshop for New Assessors – Toronto

Wed 26 Feb

8:00 am - 2:30 pm

February 26 and 27 at the Chelsea Hotel, Toronto.

Skip to Day 2

Day 1

8:00 a.m.Registration and breakfast
8:30• Welcome/Introductions/Land Acknowledgement
• Introductions and table talk
• Introduction to PPM 132 – PLAR for Mature students
• 4 Steps to the Mature PLAR process, including Eligibility
10:30• Steps 1 and 2a: Eligibility and assessment
– 9/10 equivalency process including resources, assessments, student transcripts, and table discussions
11:45 p.m.• FAQs – 9/10 Equivalency Process
1:15 • Step 2b: 11/12 equivalency process
– resources, student scenarios, pathway planning, and table discussions
2:00Refreshment break
2:15• Step 2b: 11/12 equivalency process
– resources, student scenarios, pathway planning, and table discussions
• PPM 129 vs. PPM 132
3:20• Q&A

Day 2

8:00 a.m.Registration and breakfast
9:00• Recap of Day 1
• Step 4: Recording and Reporting
• New to Ontario – out of province
10:15Refreshment Break
10:30• New to Ontario, including out of country
• Benefits of Mature PLAR
• Mature Student Assessment vs. Mature PLAR
12:00 p.m.Lunch
12:45• Optional networking and targeted support
2:15Evaluation and adjournment