Annual General Meeting 2024

Thu 26 Sep

10:00 am - 11:00 am

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CESBA exists to:
a. Support member Ontario School Boards delivering Adult and Continuing Education programs.
b. Provide advocacy and resources to the members.
c. Promote the impact of Adult and Continuing Education as part of a “K to Success” model.


10:00 a.m.Welcome –Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
10:03 a.m.Land Acknowledgement
10:05 a.m.Adoption of Agenda—Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
· Motion to approve the agenda as presented
10:06 a.m.Approval of the September 28, 2023 AGM Minutes—Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
· Motion to approve the 2023 AGM Minutes as presented
10:11 a.m.Chair’s Report—Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
10:20 a.m.Audit Committee Report (2023 – 2024 financial statements)—Mario DiVittorio, Audit Committee Treasurer
10:26 a.m.Appointment of the Auditor for 2024–2025—Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
· Motion to reappoint the Auditor for 2024–2025 as recommended
10:27 a.m.Executive Director’s Report –Paul Cox, CESBA Executive Director
· CESBA highlights September 2023–September 2024
· CESBA Annual Report
10:37 a.m.Proposed by-law changes—Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
· Motion to approve the revised By-laws as presented
10:47 a.m.Approval of the slate of new Directors to the CESBA Board—Andrea Ellsworth, Nominations Committee
· Motion to approve the 2024 Slate of New Directors to the CESBA Board as presented
10:52 a.m.Other business—Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
11:00 a.m.Adjourn—Lisa Hickman, CESBA Chair
· Motion to adjourn CESBA’s 2024 Annual General Meeting