Annual General Meeting

Wed 05 Oct

10:00 am - 11:00 am

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CESBA exists to:
a. Represent all Ontario School Boards delivering Adult and Continuing Education programs
b. Provide advocacy, resources and supports to the members
c. Promote the value of Adult and Continuing Education and Learner Pathways


10:00 amWelcome –Julie Bodiam, CESBA Vice Chair
10:02 amAdoption of Agenda
10:03 amApproval of the September 28, 2021 AGM Minutes
10:10 amChair’s Report
10:15 amAudit Committee Report (2021 – 2022 financial statements)
10:20 amAppointment of the Auditor for 2022 – 2023
10:22 amExecutive Director’s Report –Paul Cox, CESBA Executive Director
10:32 amPresentation of the Slate of Nominees
10:45 amOther Business
11:00 amAdjourn