2023-2024 Annual Report
25 Years of Empowering Adult Learners
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CESBA helps build a prosperous Ontario through adult and continuing education programs in school boards.
CESBA (the Ontario Association of Adult and Continuing Education School Board Administrators) is a provincial, non-profit professional association that represents, advocates for and supports adult and continuing education (A&CE) program staff working in over 60 school boards across Ontario. Incorporated in 1999 and provincially funded, CESBA works to ensure that adult and continuing education programs offered by school boards are accessible, affordable, and successful in helping learners achieve their education, training and employment goals.
The Ontario Association of Adult & Continuing Education School Board Administrators, 2024
Message from the CESBA Board Chair and Executive Director
CESBA was incorporated in 1999 with the mission, stated in its Letters Patent, “to promote and advance the cause of adult and continuing education.”
We have seen what access to adult and continuing education (A&CE) can do. When we move from a kindergarten to Grade 12 model to a “K to success” model, we fulfill our promise of education to all Ontarians. We offer a path of hope to those who faced barriers as younger students. We build an engaged workforce embarking on fulfilling careers. We uplift families and break generational cycles. We ensure the literacy and life skills to participate in civic life is available to everyone. We create a welcoming new home where newcomers can fully contribute. In essence, we provide hope.
As we mark a quarter century of championing school board A&CE programs and educators, we reflect on their legacy—millions of lives transformed, touching every community across the province.
The following highlights of our work through the 2023-2024 fiscal year from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 reflect the course we are charting through the next 25 years and beyond. Here is a selection of some future-focused initiatives we have embarked on this year.
Levelling Up for Literacy
- We created an ambitious assortment of tools and resources to support Literacy and Basic Skills instructors and program managers this year. These include a program needs assessment tool for administrators to optimize and future-proof their programs; an LBS handbook to orient new leads quickly given high turnover in the sector; and an impact report template for programs to showcase their successes to communities, funders and their own school boards.
- As part of Phase 2 of the Skills for Success project funding, we developed 35 curriculum resources and launched an eLearning platform to house them, sfs.cesba.com. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects with a strong focus on building workplace skills, such as Grocery Stock Clerk Basics, Introduction to Digital Vocabulary and Becoming an Apprentice in the Skilled Trades.
Meeting the Health Care Labour Needs of Today and Tomorrow
- We embarked on a partnership with the Research Institute for Aging (RIA) to significantly expand “living classrooms” across the province by distributing government funding and expert support. The innovative living classroom program offers PSW students the chance to learn at long-term care homes, which gives them meaningful, hands-on training. It also allows school boards to ramp up their programs quickly through community partnerships.
- Our engagement with the new Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA) will allow our school board-trained PSWs the opportunity to affirm their exemplary qualifications and provide assurance to employers.
Easing the Path to a High School Diploma
- As the Ministry of Education revises the Policy/Program Memorandum 132 regarding Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR), the ministry relies on CESBA to provide training and support to assessors across Ontario. This year, the PLAR process revisions lowered the age of eligibility, so younger students at risk of not graduating within the regular timeframe could take advantage of this new opportunity. The result was an expansion of the program into mainstream (secondary) schools. We offered extensive training and resources throughout the year to share our expertise with guidance counsellors and assessors.
Professional Development to Propel Us Forward
- Our 2023 conference brought together well over 400 educators to the sold-out event from all regions of Ontario—our largest gathering in our history. Over 20 workshops explored topics as diverse as adapting to artificial intelligence, incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing, novel approaches to improving outcomes for youth with disabilities and navigating pathways to the skilled trades.
- Dallas Sinopole, who is Anishinaabe from Sarnia and the Indigenous Education Lead with Lambton Kent District School Board, shared his personal story of family trauma and professional success with our members. He gave a powerful reminder of the positive impact of a mentor to change the trajectory of someone’s life.
- Crystal Fachs, also from Sarnia, delivered a presentation on putting allyship into action, including sharing numerous practical tactics for creating a welcoming environment for 2SLGBTQIA+ students and staff.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every educator, administrator, and support staff within our A&CE community for your collaboration over the past two and a half decades. The impact you have had on the lives and communities of Ontario is incalculable and we feel deeply privileged to support you.
Julie Bodiam
CESBA Board Chair
Paul Cox
CESBA Executive Director
P.S. Julie Bodiam – I have recently retired from Upper Grand District School Board and I left my position on the CESBA Board after eight years, including two as Board Chair. It has been wonderful to collaborate with my dedicated colleagues in advancing adult and continuing education in Ontario.
Paul Cox – On behalf of CESBA, we are so grateful to Julie for her dedicated leadership on our Board of Directors over the years, and most recently as our Board Chair. We will all miss her joyful energy, and we will carry her tireless commitment to advocating for adult and continuing education forward.
A Year in Review
Advocating for Adult & Continuing Education
CESBA advocates for ongoing government support and investment in adult and continuing education school board programs. We meet regularly with our provincial and federal representatives to ensure that they understand the perspective of educators on the frontlines of adult education in communities across the province. We also invite government representatives to address our members at our regional meetings and professional development events.
We met frequently with decision makers in two key funding ministries: the Ministry of Education (EDU), which supports our adult credit programs and Mature PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) process, as well as our PSW training programs, and the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) with divisions that support Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) and English as a Second Language (ESL) and French as a Second Language (FSL). We also engaged with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) at the federal level, which funds the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program.
Along with the funding ministries above, CESBA met with representatives of the Ministries of Long-Term Care (MLTC), Health (MOH) and Colleges and Universities (MCU), to advocate for the recognition of school board Personal Support Worker (PSW) programs and support for graduates. We continued to inform government stakeholders of the status of our PSW quality assurance program for school board PSW programs.
Our PSW Lead, Anita Plunkett reached out to several organizations, such as Advantage Ontario and the Ontario Long Term Care Association (OLTCA), to bring awareness of the impact of adult education and how it can provide a positive impact on meeting the workforce needs in health care. She advocated for equal opportunities for employment and bridging programs for our school board PSW graduates. She also worked with the new Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA) on the upcoming PSW registry.
PLAR is a process that awards eligible students high school credits for their work, education and life experience. CESBA, through our PLAR Lead, Andrea Murphy, and EDU continue to collaborate closely on communicating and training for Policy/Program Memorandum 132 that was revised once again in September 2023, to include the recognition of apprenticeships as Canadian post-secondary credentials.
CESBA meets regularly with MLITSD’s Employment and Training Division to discuss the LBS program, including member concerns. This also provides the opportunity to for us to promote the successes of our excellent school board LBS programs to our funders. CESBA also participates in the Provincial Support Organizations for Literacy (PSOL), where we discuss the management of the LBS programs throughout the province other providers and MLITSD representatives.
The last two years have been challenging for many of the school board ESL/FSL programs, as funding continues to be unstable and communication has been irregular from MLITSD’s Global Talent Settlement Services Division. We continue to share the concerns of our exemplary school board language educators and the transformative work they do to improve the lives and outcomes of newcomers.
Sharing Knowledge
Creating Safer Spaces for 2SLGBTQAI+ Learners
The CESBA Equity and Inclusion Committee was proud to offer a virtual presentation for Pride Month, where we had 64 attendees. The Committee invited Crystal Fach, Co-Founder/CEO of Diversity Ed. – Safer Spaces Canada to present to our members and guests. Crystal, a Non-Binary, Queer advocate and educator discussed how to put allyship into actions, as well as terminology, use of pronouns, and barriers to support 2SLGBTQIA+ learners and staff. Responses to the survey suggested that the session could have been longer, and that another similar session would be just as well attended.
Maseng niizh akiing—Walking Two Worlds
CESBA’s Committee to Support Adult Indigenous Learners offered a virtual session in honour of National Indigenous History Month, inviting Dallas Sinopole, an Anishinaabe from Aamjiwnaang, which is also known as Sarnia, to share his personal story, including how he came to his current leadership position as Indigenous Lead for the Lambton Kent District School Board. Thank you also to Katie Maracle, Six Nations Polytechnic, Brendan Smyth, Seven Generations Secondary School and Mark Gibeault, Kenjgewin Teg, members of the committee, for their insight during this event. We had 38 attendees at this event, with several survey responses mentioning how Dallas’ story was a great reminder of how important adult educators are, and the impact they can have on individual students.
Funding and OnSIS Day
This in-person, full-day event provided an opportunity to administrators to increase their understanding of the adult registers, funding sources for various programs, and PLAR funding and reporting. Thank you to Deborah Cook, York Region District School Board, and Namita Aggarwal, Toronto District School Board, for providing their time and expertise on funding for A&CE, the Ontario Student Information System (OnSIS) and the ministry requirements of the funding registers. We had 57 registrants for this event presented by the Committee of Experienced Administrators.
New Administrator Day
The Committee of Experienced Administrators provided an opportunity for administrators with fewer than three years’ experience in adult and continuing education to increase their understanding of the role, including the needs of adult learners, programming options and resources, introduction to PLAR, PSW, community partners, and funding sources. This in-person, full-day event, had representation from day school programming as well as A&CE, due to the changes to the PLAR process that affect day school programming. Thank you to Daniel Denomme, EDU, for attending and providing on the spot answers to some burning questions of the day. Thanks to Julie Bodiam, Upper Grand District School Board, and board member, Mario DiVittorio, Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, for facilitating the day. Thanks also to Andrea Murphy, CESBA PLAR lead, and Anita Plunkett, CESBA PSW lead, for facilitating presentations, sharing their expertise regarding PSW and the PLAR process in school boards. We had 68 registrants for this event, including representation from day school programming.
Two-Day PLAR Workshop for New Assessors
Andrea Murphy, our PLAR lead, provided two interactive days of content in person at the Chelsea Hotel, Toronto for new assessors and others interested in the PLAR process. The popular, wait-listed event offered foundational instruction, mentor support, an update from the Ministry of Education, and many transcripts to use as case studies.
PLAR Learning Sessions
Two additional PLAR info sessions were programmed this year to provide professional development and support to PLAR assessors, led by our PLAR Lead, Andrea Murphy. We provided an update to the PPM session in the fall and a session to support PLAR assessors in the spring.
Skills for Success Phase 2 Proposals Information Session
The LBS Committee hosted a virtual info session to discuss the Skills for Success Pilot opportunity for school board service providers to apply into the first quarter of the year. A panel of LBS Managers discussed their accepted SFS submissions, including sharing their experiences with community partnerships, their sample budgets for their proposals, promising practices from their pilots and the benefits of their participation in a Community of Practice with ample Q&A time. There were 30 LBS leads in attendance. According to the survey results the session was appreciated, the attendees increased their knowledge, and one attendee wrote, “I love the opportunity to speak to someone who speaks the LBS language”. There were several requests to repeat this type of session or have other sessions specifically for LBS to discuss a variety of topics such as curriculum resources, LBS reporting, CaMS, proposal writing and assessment tools. These comments and others informed CESBA of the need for a full day of training in the next fiscal year.
Personal Support Worker (PSW) Spring Work Day
A full day of in-person content and expertise was provided by Anita Plunkett and hosted by our PSW committee representative, Denise Delle-Palme, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, on June 2, 2023. Several presentations were provided to participants, including the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI) on mental health resources and supports for students navigating the placement component of the program, and Learning Inter-professionally Healthcare Accelerator (LIPHA). Updates were provided by Ashley Gilbert of EDU. Participants were provided the opportunity to engage with speakers and other stakeholders at the exhibitor booths that also included the Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA). The second half of the day allowed participants to engage in resource sharing, networking and developing a scope of practice for students of school board programs.
PSW Learning Sessions
Four PSW info sessions were programmed this year, led by our PSW Lead, Anita Plunkett, to inform and connect with PSW program managers and administrators: a PSW program check-in, PSW program Q&A and updates with the Ministry of Education; new instructor support and Q&A; and two sessions with Ontario Health to highlight and overview the clinical stipend supports for PSW students.
Coming Together
Regional meetings
CESBA hosted eight regional meetings from October to June, providing two professional development and networking opportunities for the East, West, Central and North regions of Ontario in the year. Following the lead and need of each region, meetings were conducted in a blend of in-person and virtual settings. The enthusiasm for the two in-person meetings in North York (Central) and London (West) was especially high, as they were the first since the pandemic began.
The goal of CESBA’s regional meetings is to provide a platform for members to connect over the shared challenges and opportunities that exist in their region, help foster collaboration and networking, and develop best practices through leadership and sharing as both a widely interested A&CE group and within sector-specific groups, covering Credit/PLAR/Guidance, ESL/FSL/LINC, LBS, IILE, PSW and Francophone sectors.
Topics of note in the 2022/23 sessions included learning experiences and strategies in A&CE during the pandemic and in virtual settings as a tool for crafting A&CE strategies going forward; supporting student mental health challenges; managing the increasing demand on services to serve newcomers; managing waitlists; determining client status and program options; and potential partnerships amongst regional school boards to further develop night school offerings.
CESBA Conference:
Embracing Transformation
December 6-7, 2023
CESBA’s 2023 Conference, held December 6 & 7th at the Chelsea Hotel in Toronto, was a resounding success, setting new baselines for attendance with 415 people across the two days, an early sell-out date of mid-October, and a 116% increase in sponsorship support.
Sector Day offered administrators and program leads the occasion to take a deep dive into seven key sectors, including two added this year; PLAR/Guidance, LBS, PSW, ESL/FSL/LINC, IILE, Francophone (back again after a couple of years) and Summer School (new!). They shared their unique challenges and successes, along with knowledge and resources.
Keynote/Workshop Day put a wider lens on adult and continuing education (A&CE), exploring the themes of mental health and wellness, technology, telling our stories, and of course, A&CE essentials. This was accomplished through 20 workshops delivered by 30 presenters.
A series of special events took place throughout the conference: a Francophone reception, a facilitated networking education session open to all, a dedicated luncheon space to support Indigenous Learners, a “Mix & Mingle” reception to bring everyone together to network, and of course, a moving and inspiring presentation by the conference keynote speaker, Joze Piranian.
Thanks to all sponsors and partners that made the 2023 conference such a success: including our Signature Sponsor, Apprenticesearch.com, our volunteers, staff, sector day leaders, presenters from across the province, our partners at BPL Events, hosts Alison Sadowski and Gary Wimmer, Elder Jimmy Dick, Ministry representatives in attendance, and students from Centre d’Excellence Artistique de l’Ontario, Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario.
Conference Testimonial
“It’s always a great opportunity to network, learn, and brush up on skills.
2023 Conference attendee
The keynote speaker was amazing and so inspirational!”
Sector Highlights
The extensive work to support the sectors and programs below was completed by CESBA staff and a network of dedicated committee members volunteering countless hours along with their professional expertise. We gratefully acknowledge our incomparable membership community.
Adult Credit/Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR)/Guidance
- Provided leadership and mentorship to new assessors, including both adult and mainstream secondary schools, which are now eligible under the revised PPM 132.
- Hosted a two-day PLAR event with an introduction for new assessors and advanced support on individual case scenarios for experienced assessors.
- Held two lunchtime sessions on PLAR policy updates and frequently asked questions.
- Updated PLAR documents to share with Aspen user groups, with the support of Trudy Banker, Waterloo Catholic District School Board.
- Offered support to several school boards on their student management systems: Aspen, PowerSchool, and Edsembli.
- Offered several PLAR/Guidance workshops, both virtual and in person, for individual school boards.
- Hosted the PLAR Sector Day at the conference with support from the PLAR Committee.
- Provided assisstance to school boards updating their policy and procedures around Mature PLAR.
- Offered support to school boards on reporting on PLAR for Ministry funding.
- Continued to update the vast library of PLAR resources and documents on the CESBA website.
- Supplied information to outside agencies, such as Alpha Plus, Lakehead University and OCAS on PLAR and Mature Student Assessments.
Personal Support Worker (PSW) program
- Collaborated with the Research Institute for Aging, (RIA) to launch the new Living Classroom (LC) funding project to support new and existing LC programs, including 10 school boards.
- Delivered the Quality Assurance Process to six school board PSW programs.
- Began participation on the new Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA) Competency Development Group to establish requirements for working as a PSW in Ontario.
- Developed a new PSW brochure to promote school board programs to prospective students.
- Hired Tammy Cantin, RN, as our new Living Classroom Coordinator.
- Hired Angela Butt, RN, as our Quality Assurance Coordinator.
- Met with key Ministry representatives and the Ontario Personal Support Workers Association (OPSWA) to advocate for school board PSW graduates to have equitable access to the association.
- Offered ongoing support and resources to two new school boards planning to introduce PSW programs in Feb 2025.
- Updated PSW resources to the CESBA website, including an updated CESBA Provincial PSW Exit Examination.
- Updated OntarioSchoolBoardPSW.ca, also known as GetMyPSW.ca to include new board information.
- Hosted Spring PSW Workday at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board to provide provincial updates, resources on promising practices and an opportunity for networking.
- Hosted the PSW Sector Day with support from the PSW Committee.
- Hosted four learning sessions outlined above regarding PSW provincial funding, training resources, networking and more.
Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS)
- Developed the LBS Needs Assessment Tool (NAT) to support LBS Leads in assessing their programs in relation to their partnerships with credit programming. The tool uses guiding questions to review programming, address needs and opportunities, along with creating a summary of actions with timelines to advocate or promote a program.
- Developed the LBS Impact Report, a dynamic document for service providers to input their own data into an easy-to-use template that can be used to showcase program impact within school boards and to their community stakeholders.
- Engaged Melissa Friske to write the comprehensive LBS Handbook, a guide primarily meant for new LBS leads, but also very useful for all LBS staff. The handbook was reviewed by Anna Rodden (ADSB) and Rene Bourget (UCDSB).
- Completed a French version of the Online Skills Inventory Tool (OSIT), an LBS learner assessment tool for LBS practitioners. The French tool can be found at orc.cesba.com
- Hosted the LBS Sector Day, with an 80’s themed day that included networking and presentations on the history of LBS, the new Skills for Success Initiative resources and pilots, a review of the upcoming NAT and Impact Report, along with discussions on CaMs reporting and some ministry updates.
- Developed 14 new Skills for Success resources as part of Phase 2 of the initiative with a working group that included Debera Flynn, Angela Williams (UCDSB), and Susan Boyd (UCDSB). Launched a Moodle website to house the resources at sfs.cesba.com. . The resources are also available on the LBS Resources Forum at lbsresourcesandforum.contactnorth.ca
English as a Second Language and French as a Second Language (ESL/FSL)
- Participated in an ESL Working Group with several key MLITSD Staff in spring 2023, discussing learner progression, surveys, class sizes and additional learner outcomes.
- Organized the ESL Sector Day, facilitated by Co-chairs Jennifer McKay and Cathy Sain, which included presentations from several organizations and boards, as well as presentations by Jennifer McKay and Jennifer Jones on innovative programming and orientation.
- Updated and maintained the School Board ESL Administrator Contact List, which was shared with CESBA and school boards’ ESL main contacts.
- Surveyed ESL Administrators several times over the year regarding: contact information, ESL Sector Day topics, participation in Sector Day panels and presentations and networking meeting preferences during the year.
- Advocated for ESL programs during the year, bringing forward several queries to MLITSD, IRCC, HARTs help desk, IRCC portal help desk; and shared responses with ESL board contacts.
- Organized and facilitated several online meetings for ESL administrators, including two Q&A sessions on the IRCC Settlement call for proposals.
International and Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE)
- Organized IILE Sector Day for the December 2023 Conference.
- Held ongoing discussions on staffing challenges, including shortages in certain languages and regions.
- Explored ways to provide professional development without funding, and other budget challenges.
- Continued collaboration with the International Language Educators Association (ILEA).
- Provided support to school boards hosting summer International Language programs.
- Supported remote language learning for smaller boards and communities lacking enough students or instructors.
- Shared curriculum and resources for both elementary and credit courses.
Reaching Out to Our Members
We shared important sector news, resources, activities and events with our mailing list of 3,670 (+5% over last year) adult and continuing education professionals, community partners and supporters through our monthly enewsletter, a weekly bulletin from our Executive Director, and numerous sector and event eblasts.
Our bilingual cesba.com website is a hub for the A&CE community to access an ever-expanding number of entries in the resource library with over 425 resources, and learn about our professional development workshops, regional meetings and other events.
Our website at ontarioschoolboardpsw.ca, also known as GetMyPSW.ca features an overview of the PSW program, an interactive map of Ontario with school board PSW program locations, FAQs and student success stories. We marketed this site extensively, but we have ambitious plans to significantly expand our promotions next year, as well as launch a French version highlighting Francophone programs.
We redesigned GetMyHighSchoolDiploma.ca, a website that promotes adult credit programs across Ontario, and also features an interactive map that is regularly updated and continues to receive visits. We plan to launch an improved French version next year and promote the improved site further.
We have decreased our focus on CESBA social media since the space has become more fragmented and our educator audience has continuously demonstrated a strong preference for email and web to receive communications and information. However, we still maintain our social media presence, with about 1,700 followers across four platforms: Facebook, X, YouTube and LinkedIn.
Our main cesba.com website had 14,746 users, 26,869 visits and 62,954 pageviews. Last year, traffic to this site was somewhat higher, because PSW marketing campaign traffic used a landing page on this site. This year, we drove traffic from the PSW campaign to the dedicated PSW site. Our GetMyPSW.ca received 26,114 users and 32,005 visits, which meant an overall increase in traffic of 81% for the two sites. GetMyHighSchoolDiploma received 2,460 users and 2,861 sessions, more than three times the traffic of last year.
By the numbers
CESBA email
visits from 14,746 unique
users on cesba.com
visits from 26,114 unique users on GetMyPSW.ca
visits from 2,460
unique users on GetMyHighSchoolDiploma.ca
The CESBA Board of Directors 2023-2024
Lisa Hickman
Vice Chair
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
2021 – present
Mario diVittorio
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board
2022 – present
Andrea Ellsworth
Durham Catholic District School Board
2022 – present
Project Committees
Adult Credit/PLAR/Guidance Committee
Angela Jarrett (HWDSB), Natalie Poitras (CSCDGR), Samantha Peotto (Lakehead DSB), Emina Kovacevic (HWDSB), Maria Leonardo (WCDSB), Samantha Ngan (YRDSB), Kate Primeau (HPEDSB)
Committee of Experienced Administrators
Tania Connell (YCDSB), Mario Di Vittorio (HWCDSB), Marianne Kayed (OCSB), Samantha Peotto (Lakehead DSB), Gary Wimmer (TVDSB)
Committee to Support Indigenous Learners
Susan Conklin (Nipissing First Nation), Michelle Davis (Ontario Native Literacy Coalition), David Isherwood (The Martin Family Initiative), Katie Maracle (Six Nations Polytechnic), Byron Millet (Ontario Native Literacy Coalition), John Playford (SCDSB), Brendan Smyth (Seven Generations Education Institute), Maureen Wainwright (OCSB), Parastou Ziadlou (Eenchokay Birchstick School)
Conference Planning Committee
Bernadette Beaupre, Judith Hoffman (CAVLFO), Angela Parkin (HWDSB), Gary Wimmer (TVDSB), Maureen Wainwright (OCSB)
English and French Second Language (ESL/FSL) Committee
Cathy Condarcuri-Sain, Co-chair (DCDSB), Jennifer McKay, Co-chair (OCDSB), Erin Jones, (AMDSB), Jennifer Jones (TVDSB), Marianne Kayed (OCSB), Laura Patterson (Limestone DSB)
Equity and Inclusion Committee
Seema Bajpai (PDSB), Gabrianna Jolie (TCDSB), Angela Parkin (HWDSB), Anne-Marie Pinel (OCSB), Lori Sheppard (LKDSB)
Francophone Committee
Judith Hoffman, Chair (CAVLFO), Vivienne Cotnam (CSPGNO), Dany Dumont (CECCE), Geneviève Labrosse (CEPEO), Jocelyn Leclair (CSC Nouvelon), Jeannine Pellerin (CSC Providence), Josée Picard-St. Louis (CSDCEO), Natalie Poitras (CSCDGR)
International and Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Committee
Christine Mink-Hiles, Chair (SMCDSB), Susan El-Nagar (WCDSB), Azza Elzoghby (HWDSB), Marianne Kayed (OCSB), Ludmila Minkova (OCSB)
Literacy & Basic Skills (LBS) Committee
Melissa Friske, Chair (RCDSB), Lou-Ann Best (PDSB), Gabrianna Jolie (TCDSB), Daphne Lane (UCDSB-retired), Sally MacDonald (Grand Erie District School Board), Lori Sheppard (LKDSB)
OnSIS & Funding Committee
Namita Aggarwal (TDSB), Deborah Cook (YRDSB)
Personal Support Worker (PSW) Committee
Dawn-Marie Brunet (SCDSB), Denise Delle-Palme (OCDSB), Paula Dillon-Gerow (HWCDSB), Jennifer Sheyan (LKDSB), Akua Simmons (TDSB), Cheryl Stewart (GEDSB), Ashley Voisin (WCDSB), Lisa Zandenburg (LKDSB)
CESBA Members 2023-2024
CESBA is grateful to all of our members for their ongoing support and participation:
Algoma District School Board
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
Avon Maitland District School Board
Bluewater District School Board
Brant-Haldimand Catholic District School Board
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario
Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est
Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario
Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes-Rivières
Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario
Conseil scolaire catholique Franco-Nord
Conseil scolaire catholique Providence
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien
Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario
Conseil Viamonde
District School Board of Niagara
District School Board Ontario North East
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Durham Catholic District School Board
Durham District School Board
Grand Erie District School Board
Greater Essex County District School Board
Halton Catholic District School Board
Halton District School Board
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board
Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Keewatin Patricia District School
Lakehead District School Board
Lambton Kent District School Board
Limestone District School Board
London District Catholic School Board
Near North District School Board
Niagara Catholic District School Board
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board
Northeastern Catholic District School Board
Ottawa Catholic School Board
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
Peel District School Board
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board
Rainbow District School Board
Renfrew County District School Board
Simcoe County District School Board
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
Sudbury Catholic District School Board
Superior-Greenstone District School Board
Thames Valley District School Board
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Toronto District School Board
Trillium Lakelands District School Board
Upper Canada District School Board
Upper Grand District School Board
Waterloo Catholic District School Board
Waterloo Region District School Board
Wellington Catholic District School Board
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board
York Catholic District School Board
York Region District School Board
CESBA graciously acknowledges funding support from the Ontario Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.
Partners and Affiliates
CESBA would like to thank its partners and affiliates for their support and collaboration.
Advanced Gerontological Education (AGE)
Canadian Personal Support Workers Association
Caring Support
Centre d’excellence artistique de l’Ontario (CEAO)
Centre for Black Professionals (CEE)
Centre for Social Innovation
Coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes (COFA)
Collège Boréal
College Sector Committee for Academic Upgrading (CSC)
Community Literacy of Ontario
Conference Board of Canada
Consortium d’apprentissage virtuel de langue française de l’Ontario (CAVLFO)
Contact North
Diversity Institute, Toronto Metropolitan University
Eenchokay Birchstick School
Extendicare and ParaMed Home Health Care
First Work
Future Skills Centre
Halton Industry Education Council
Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority (HSCPOA)
Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute
La Cité
Landscape Ontario
Laubach Literacy Ontario (LLO)
Learning Networks of Ontario
Niagara College Canada
NPower Canada
The Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI)
Ontario College Application Service
Ontario Creates
Ontario Native Literacy Coalition (ONLC)
Ontario Nonprofit Network
S5 Dynamic Learning Initiative (S5DLI)
Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA)
School Mental Health Ontario
Seven Generations Education Institute
Six Nations Polytechnic Institute
Skills Ontario
TESL Ontario
Turtle’s Back Publishing
Executive Director
Innovations & Logistics Specialist
Administrator/Project Coordinator
PLAR Guidance Coordinator
Program Manager
PSW Lead and Quality Assurance Coordinator
Communications Specialist
Financial Statement
Total: | $1,428,345 |
Government grants: | $1,105,824 |
Conference fees: | $202,658 |
Membership fees: | $82,575 |
Other: | $6,788 |
Total: | $1,385,205 |
Salaries and benefits: | $570,684 |
Consulting: | $390,179 |
Event: | $225,222 |
Travel: | $69,500 |
Professional fees: | $51,314 |
Administration: | $42,738 |
Communications and marketing | $31,777 |
Insurance: | $3,307 |
Bank charges and interest: | $484 |