New Administrator Day (Toronto)

Tue 05 Nov

8:00 am - 3:30 pm



8:00-8:30Breakfast and Registration
8:30–8:35Land Acknowledgment
8:35-8:45Welcome, Introduction of Committee of Experienced Administrators, Presenters and CESBA Staff—Paul Cox, CESBA Executive Director
8:45-8:55CESBA’s role; Committees; Resources; New Admin Handbook; Reference Guide; Acronyms and CESBA Contacts
8:55-10:15An overview of Adult and Continuing Education—Lisa Mackay (WCDSB) & Alma Gordon (LDCSB)
10:30-10:45PSW Training through Adult and Continuing Education—Anita Plunkett, CESBA PSW Lead, & Paul Cox
10:45-12:00PLAR for Mature Students Overview—Andrew Murphy, PLAR Lead
12:45-2:00Topic Tables (20 minutes each, then rotate to other tables)
• Meet and greet at the tables with Facilitator (5 minutes)  
• Burning Questions/Networking/Share Promising Practices
Table 1: Non-credit programming (LBS, IILE, ESL, Literacy/Numeracy)           
Table 2: Networking by role for Principals and Vice-Principals              
Table 3: PSW                                                                               
Table 4: PLAR/Guidance                                       
Table 5: Credit (Day/Night/Correspondence/Self Study)                      
Table 6: Smaller Boards                    
2:15-2:45Promising Practices
2:45-3:00Bridging the A&CE World
3:00-3:30Q&A/Open Discussion/Parking Lot Questions
3:30Closing and workshop evaluation