Réunion régionale centrale (virtuel)

Jeu 24 Oct

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


8:30-9:00Coffee and networking
9:00-9:15Land acknowledgement
Welcome – Greetings from Debbie Jordan, Executive Superintendent, London District Catholic School Board
and Paul Cox, CESBA Executive Director
9:15-10:00Government address – MLITSD, ESL, Umme Namdarkhan; IRCC, Morgan Halstead
9:30-10:00Evaluation Strategies for School Boards: A New Tool for Administrators – Frank Hummel
10:00-10:15Board update – Julie Bodiam
10:45-12:00Sector discussions • Credit/PLAR/Guidance • LBS • ESL/FSL/LINC • PSW • IILE • Francophone
12:30-1:00Sector discussions debrief
1:00-1:15Regional discussion: New requirement – Viewing of documents & signatures  in person
1:15-1:30Spotlight on London District Catholic School Board — Alma Gordon
1:30-1:55CESBA updates – PLAR; LBS; PSW; Membership; Upcoming Events; 2024 Conference
1:55-2:00Evaluation and adjourn