Conférence de CESBA
25 et 26 novembre
En ligne
Nos conférenciers

conférencière d’honneur
Zabeen Hirji
En sa qualité de leader d’opinion pour L’avenir du travail, leadership et l’équité, Zabeen Hirji est souvent sollicitée comme conférencière, auteure et commentatrice pour ses points de vue pratiques et transsectoriels, fruit de sa vaste expérience. Elle est conseillère stratégique auprès d’entreprises, de gouvernements, d’universités et d’organismes sans but lucratif. En tant que conseillère à l’échelle mondiale dans le cadre du programme L’avenir du travail, à Deloitte, elle fournit des conseils sur des questions clés pour les programmes de transformation des entreprises et des gouvernements.

Phyllis Webstad
Creator of Orange Shirt Day

Lynn Landry
Coordonnatrice des partenariats avec les institutions postsecondaires à CAVLFO

Qurat Dar
Youth Poet Laureate, City of Mississauga

Dan Cardinal
Senior Community and Provincial Outreach & Engagement Coordinator at Skills Ontario
À propos
CESBA 2021 explorera la façon dont la nouvelle réalité peut générer des possibilités pour tous les élèves en favorisant l’innovation, la résilience et l’inclusion. À cette fin, le 25 novembre, nous présenterons des ateliers sur divers sujets se rapportant à l’éducation des adultes et à l’éducation permanente, en mettant l’accent sur les quatre volets suivants :
- Tendances et opportunités post-pandémiques
- Pratiques d’apprentissage virtuel exemplaires et futures
- Renforcer la résilience et l’inclusion
- Adapter le leadership à la nouvelle réalité
Le thème de notre conférence est Passerelles vers l’innovation. L’éducation des adultes et l’éducation permanente ont toujours eu le potentiel d’améliorer les vies. Mais la pandémie mondiale nous a contraints à réinventer nos façons de vivre et de travailler. En tant qu’éducatrices et éducateurs, nous avons dû trouver d’autres moyens de communiquer avec les apprenants, ce qui a entraîné certains défis qui ont amplifié les inégalités sociales, mais aussi créé de nouvelles perspectives de croissance et de communication. Nous devons maintenant décider comment aller de l’avant.
Le 26 novembre sera la journée des secteurs, sous la direction des chefs de file dans leurs domaines. Des ateliers, présentations et tables rondes sont prévus pour les secteurs suivants :
- Cours donnant droit à des crédits/Orientation/Reconnaissance des acquis (RDA)
- Anglais langue seconde (ALS)/Français langue seconde (FLS)/Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada (CLIC)
- Alphabétisation et formation de base (AFB)
- Programmes de formation des préposés aux services de soutien à la personne (PSSP)
- Programmes de langues internationales et autochtones (PLIA) dans les écoles élémentaires
Programme (en anglais, sauf pour le contenu français.)
9:00 am – 9:15 am
Opening Ceremony
9:15 am – 9:50 am
9:50 am – 10:05 am
Youth Voices and Key Conference Details
10:05 am – 11:05 am
Concurrent Workshops A
11:05 am – 11:20 am
Explore Platform and Exhibit Booths
11:20 am – 12:20 pm
Concurrent Workshops B
12:20 pm – 12:30 pm
Key Conference Details, Youth Voices
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Trivia Contest, Explore Platform and Exhibit Booths
1:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Welcome Back, Youth Voices
1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
2:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Meet & Greet with New CESBA Executive Director, Paul Cox
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Stretch Break with WerkHaus Studio
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Concurrent Workshops C
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm
CESBA 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award, Trivia Contest and Prizes, Info on Sector Day, Youth Voices
4:00 pm
8:50 am – 9:15 am
Welcome + Presentation
9:15 am – 11:30 am
Sector Day Morning Session
Select your sector. Click for agendas: ESL/LINC, PLAR/Credit/Guidance, LBS, IILE or PSW.
11:30 am – 12:15 pm
12:15 pm – 2:15 pm
Sector Afternoon Session
Return to ESL/LINC, PLAR/Credit/Guidance, LBS, IILE or PSW.
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Closing Plenary
2:15 pm
Si vous avez des questions sur la participation, la commandite ou la présentation au CESBA 2021 : Passerelles vers l’innovation, envoyez un e-mail à Suzanne à sschwenger@cesba.com

conférencière d'honneur
Zabeen Hirji
En sa qualité de leader d'opinion pour L’avenir du travail, leadership et l’équité, Zabeen Hirji est souvent sollicitée comme conférencière, auteure et commentatrice pour ses points de vue pratiques et transsectoriels, fruit de sa vaste expérience. Elle est conseillère stratégique auprès d'entreprises, de gouvernements, d'universités et d'organismes sans but lucratif. En tant que conseillère à l'échelle mondiale dans le cadre du programme L’avenir du travail, à Deloitte, elle fournit des conseils sur des questions clés pour les programmes de transformation des entreprises et des gouvernements.
Ses domaines de prédilection sont le leadership et les talents, le perfectionnement du personnel, la transformation de la culture et l'éducation permanente, ainsi que l'équité, la diversité et l'inclusion.
Lors de notre conférence, Zabeen présentera les grandes tendances sur l'avenir du travail et les façons dont les éducateurs peuvent aider les apprenants à s'adapter.

Phyllis Webstad
Creator of Orange Shirt Day
Phyllis Webstad is Northern Secwpemc (Shuswap) from the Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation (Canoe Creek Indian Band). Phyllis will share her story about having her new orange shirt taken away on her first day at residential school, when she was six-years old, and how the Orange Shirt Society supports reconciliation.
Workshop C7 - Phyllis Webstad: The Orange Shirt Story

Lynn Landry
Coordonnatrice des partenariats avec les institutions postsecondaires à CAVLFO
Lynn est la Coordonnatrice des partenariats avec les institutions postsecondaires à CAVLFO (Consortium d'apprentissage virtuel de langue française de l'Ontario. Venez apprendre comment CAVLFO est doté de partenaires pancanadiens pour appuyer la réussite des élèves qui suivent des cours en ligne.
Atelier A6 - Le bien-être au coeur de la réussite dans un contexte d’apprentissage virtuel

Qurat Dar
Youth Poet Laureate, City of Mississauga
Qurat Dar (she/they) is an engineering student at the University of Guelph, the City of Mississauga’s newest Youth Poet Laureate, and the 2020 Canadian Individual Poetry Slam National Champion. Their work has appeared in Canthius, Augur Magazine and the Art Gallery of Mississauga. She is deeply interested in the intersections between the sciences and the arts, especially in the context of the climate crisis.
They are showcased in the conference plenaries.

Dan Cardinal
Senior Community and Provincial Outreach & Engagement Coordinator at Skills Ontario
n is the Senior Community and Provincial Outreach & Engagement Coordinator at Skills Ontario. With over 20 years of experience in the field of employment and education, he will talk about what’s new in skilled trades and technology in 2021, and how Skills Ontario can help to promote the careers of young people across the province.
Workshop C6 - What’s New in Skilled Trades and Technology?
Keynote: Creating a Future that Works for All with Zabeen Hirji
Room: Online
In this session, Zabeen Hirji will share her perspectives from her work with business, governments, universities and not-for-profits and from her experience as the former Chief Human Resource Officer of RBC. This presentation and Q&A session will cover key themes to build a Future of work that works for all:
- When individuals thrive, so do our economies and society. How can we create this win-win?
- What key trends are driving the future of work?
- How has the pandemic affected this?
- What does the Future of Work look like?
- What skills will be required and how can they be developed?
- What barriers do people from under-represented groups face and how can they be addressed?
- What can employers do to help prepare workers to succeed? What can educators do? What can individuals do?
- How can we work across sectors to help our students thrive in the Future of Work?
A1: HR for the Hybrid Workplace
Room: Online
An overview of some of the trends and issues in a hybrid workplace structure (work from home, onsite and blended) post pandemic, including but not limited to health and safety and equity concerns. Participants will share their experiences about the advantages and disadvantages of having employees work from home versus onsite.
The workshop will explore current and potential issues such as salary inequities and health and safety concerns and focus on solutions as organizations emerge into a “new normal”.
- Cheryl Menezes is the lead Human Resources Consultant at Peak Performance Human Resources Corporation. An HR professional with more than 25 years experience working in non-profit organizations, government, and the private sector, in both unionized and non-union environments, Cheryl’s focus includes helping clients navigate HR challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
A2: Continuing Education: Learning Our Way Out of the Pandemic
Room: Online
This presentation will review emerging evidence of the impact of the pandemic on learning, and how vulnerable communities have been particularly affected. It will discuss the implications for continuing education in terms of both opportunities and challenges. Participants will learn about key educational impacts of pandemic on schooling; share strategies and challenges in maintaining accessibility and responsiveness of continuing education through lockdown; and discuss vision for continuing education in "building back better".
- Dr. Kelly Gallagher-McKay is an Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University. Past roles include Research Director at the Future Skills Centre and at People for Education, and Northern Director of Akitsiraq Law School in Nunavut. She was the lead author on the Ontario COVID-19 Science Table Brief on Impacts of Education Disruption in Ontario.
A3: How to Respectfully Embed Truth and Reconciliation Principles in Your Education Settings
Room: Online
Treaties? Residential Schools? Indigenous Innovations? Sacred Circle Teachings? This engaging workshop introduces participants to content from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report, including Calls to Action, and will explore strategies and resources to use in adult education settings. Participants will learn about classroom-based, wise practices to connect all learners. You will leave this session with a renewed sense of community and a commitment to equity and inclusion.
- Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse is a Consultant in Indigenous Education, Training & Cultural Safety at Anishinaabe-Kwe from Sagamok First Nation in Northern Ontario. With more than 28 years of experience across the education continuum in K to 12, post-secondary and administration, she is also the author, researcher and developer of over 55 resources in Indigenous education. Dr. Pam (as she is more fondly known) is an award-winning educator and is the recipient of several teaching awards at the provincial and national levels.
A4: Virtual Learning with TVO/TFO
Room: Online
This workshop will explore TVO/TFO's digital learning resources. Participants will learn how TVO ILC (Independent Learning Centre) and TVO Learn can compliment your existing learning plans both online and in person. The workshop will discuss how the TVO/TFO Outreach Team can support you and your learners throughout the year, with free access to 144 secondary courses in English and French.
- Sofia Papadatos is the Director of Academic Services for TVO ILC where she provides leadership and oversight to her teams in support of student success and achievement. For over 21 years, she has taught in school boards across Ontario (elementary and secondary panels), and served as a bilingual secondary administrator.
- Beth Hennings is a Guidance Counsellor at TVO ILC where she supports students with pathway planning, career goals, and skills to become independent lifelong learners. Beth has more than 34 years of experience as a classroom teacher, curriculum leader and consultant in regular, alternative and special needs high schools.
- Natalie Perez is the Outreach Officer at TVO and a secondary educator at the Dufferin Peel Catholic DSB. She supported the design and development of TVO's ILC courses for adult learning. She has over six years of experience in developing accessible, online courses with responsive user interfaces and is passionate about the principles of universal design to engage and empower today’s learners.
A5: Building Resiliency with Teacher Reflections
Room: Online
We know that our experience with the COVID-19 pandemic has changed Continuing Education, K-12 education and educators in countless ways. This workshop will allow Continuing Education Administrators and teachers a way to reflect on their journey, discuss common and unique experiences, and consider how they have grown as a result. Participants should be prepared to share their insights and comments in the session. You will leave with an activity to take back to your schools to try with your staff.
- Marianne Kayed has been the Manager of Continuing & Community Education at the Ottawa Catholic District School Board since 2014. She has worked in many roles in Adult Education, including Canadian Language Benchmarks, Essential Skills, Second Language Literacy, Occupational Use of Language and professional regulation in Ontario and Canada. She is a member of CESBA’s Board of Directors.
A6: Le bien-être au coeur de la réussite dans un contexte d'apprentissage virtuel (Note: This workshop will be delivered in French)
Room: Online
En 2020-21, le CAVLFO s’est doté d’une équipe multidisciplinaire comptant parmi ses membres cinq stagiaires de diverses techniques professionnelles du milieu collégial. Cette équipe fût déployée afin de soutenir le bien-être de nos élèves et d'offrir un service d'accompagnement individualisé tant au niveau académique que personnel. Les participants apprendront une méthode novatrice d'offrir de l'appui à distance à leurs apprenants ayants des besoins particuliers. Ils discuteront des stratégies gagnantes utilisées pour appuyer la santé mentale dans un contexte d'apprentissage virtuel. Venez apprendre comment nous nous sommes dotés de partenaires pancanadiens pour appuyer la réussite des élèves qui suivent des cours en ligne.
Présentateurs :
- Lynn Landry est la Coordonnatrice des partenariats avec les institutions postsecondaires à CAVLFO (Consortium d'apprentissage virtuel de langue française de l'Ontario). Au cours de ses 22 années en éducation, elle a eu l'occasion de coordonner divers programmes scolaires et communautaires. Aujourd'hui, elle occupe un poste au sein de l'équipe administrative du CAVLFO qui la permet de continuer à créer des partenariats et participer à la gestion de projets innovants.
- Isabelle Chartrand-Dubois est la Direction de CAVLFO. Elle a oeuvré pendant plus de 27 années en éducation dans la région d’Ottawa. Pendant les derniers 15 ans, elle a oeuvré en tant qu’enseignante responsable pour la réussite des élèves, conseillère en orientation, conseillère pédagogique, et direction-adjointe. Elle est très heureuse que son cheminement professionnel s'a amené à oeuvrer au CAVLFO l'an dernier...une année remplie de défis à relever et de belles réussites!
A7: Adult Education in a Pandemic: Challenges and Benefits of Remote Learning
Room: Online
This workshop presents the results of a CESBA funded study about how adult education transitioned to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online surveys were distributed to adult learners, teachers, instructors, guidance counsellors, and administrators in 11 district school boards in Ontario and one Indigenous post-secondary institution. The study identified the challenges and benefits of remote learning for both adult learners and adult education staff. The workshop will explore and discuss promising remote learning practices developed during the pandemic.
• Dr. Lorraine Godden is an Instructor II at Carleton University. Her research includes career development and employability, work-integrated learning and adult education. Dr. Godden worked with the Eastern Regional Partnership from 2016-19 through the Adult Education Strategy. She has co-led multiple CESBA funded studies of Adult & Continuing Education in Ontario.
• Dr. Sandy Youmans is an adjunct assistant professor at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. Her research focuses on adult education, program evaluation, and elementary mathematics education. Dr. Youmans worked with the Eastern Regional Partnership from 2016-19. She has co-led multiple CESBA funded studies of Adult & Continuing Education in Ontario.
B1: Ontario’s Labour Market: Trends, Opportunities and Information Sources
Room: Online
The workshop will provide snapshot of labour market information and trends in Ontario, as we emerge from the pandemic, including changes in labour composition, shortages and skill demands. Participants will discuss current employment opportunities and challenges across Ontario and learn about products and services offered by the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC).
- Graham Dobbs is an economist with the Labour Market Information Council. He contributes to projects addressing labour definitions and education-related employment outlooks in the Canadian labour market.
- Mike Wilcox is an economist with the Labour Market Information Council. He contributes to the analysis and development of labour market information in Canada.
B2: Funding and Reporting for Experienced Administrators: What's New?
Room: Online
A workshop for experienced administrators to review highlights related to funding rates and continuing education registers. Participants will share experiences about the flow of average daily enrolment and funding generation. There will be an opportunity to discuss enrolment reporting, from registers to OnSIS.
- Namita Aggarwal, Program Manager, Toronto District School Board
- Deb Cook, Technology Administrator, York Region District School Board
B3: Supporting Educator Wellness: From Burnout to Vitality
Room: Online
Coping with the pandemic has been eroding our ability to bounce and move forward. One in five of us are still reporting high levels of mental distress, leaving us feeling like we have nothing more to give. Building resiliency allows us to bounce back, minimize the negative impact of that stress on our health, and feel more in control of our life. Participants will learn how to ask three simple questions to develop a meaningful Personal Resiliency Plan to reduce stress, and prevent burnout, so that you can enjoy life again!
- Beverly Beuermann-King is a stress and resiliency expert at R'n'B Consulting Corp – Work Smart Live Smart. For 20 years, Beverly has used her S-O-S Principle with teams who want to control their reactions to stress, increase resiliency against life’s challenges and live fulfilling lives. She works with teams and leaders to shift from "stressed out" to resilient, and supports them to be more engaged, productive and healthy.
B4: PSW Certification Through High School SHSM – Inspiring Stories of Success!
Room: Online
Personal Support Workers (PSWs) are one of the most in-demand professions in Ontario. School board programs provide about 20% of this workforce. This workshop will provide information and resources on how students can have a pathway to success to obtain their OSSD, SHSM certifications and their PSW certificate. Through theory credits, coop placements, and an early introduction to the field, SHSM DSB programs have supported students to become exemplary health care workers. Learn how Lambton-Kent DSB has offered a successful SHSM and PSW program for the past 15 years, and find out about a new program at Thames Valley DSB.
- Lisa Zandbergen is the sole PSW Program Coordinator, Teacher and Clinical Instructor at the Wallaceburg District Secondary School with the Lambton-Kent District School Board. She started the program in 2009. She received her RN in 1989 and her B.Sc.N in 2007, and has worked in ICU nursing, long-term care and home care.
- Dawn-Marie Brunet leads the PSW Program at St. Albert Learning Centre at Sudbury Catholic Schools.
B5: Panel Conversation: How Can Virtual Learning Be an Effective Tool to Re-engage Lost Students?
Room: Online
The sudden shift to emergency remote learning in 2020 resulted in many students disengaging from education. As we move past the emergency, what needs to be in place to re-engage and support vulnerable adult learners? How can we focus on equity to set up all students for success? Join host Malika Asthana from D2L in conversation with leading educators from across Canada on how we can leverage virtual learning to re-engage our lost students.
- Malika Asthana (host) is the Manager for Strategy and Public Affairs for D2L, where she leads the development of strategic thought leadership, policy submissions and proposals to support, expand and improve learning opportunities for all students in Canada. She is passionate about making connections across disciplines, including education, skills and economic development.
- Kirby Mitchell, PhD, works at the Peel District School Board, where he is a Guidance Counsellor at Stephen Lewis Secondary School in Mississauga. He has written and spoken extensively about the impact of the COVID-19 on racialized youth and their disengagement from the education system.
- Randy Labonte is the CEO of the Canadian eLearning Network (CANeLearn) which leads a national conversation on best practices for virtual learning in Canada. He has worked as a senior level executive and consultant for nearly 35 years in the K-12 and post-secondary education sectors, and is an adjunct professor at Vancouver Island University, where he teaches best practices in virtual learning.
- Marianne Kayed has been the Manager of Continuing & Community Education at the Ottawa Catholic District School Board since 2014. She has worked in many roles in Adult Education, including Canadian Language Benchmarks, Essential Skills, Second Language Literacy, Occupational Use of Language and professional regulation in Ontario and Canada. She is a member of CESBA’s Board of Directors.
B6: Be There! Support Yourself and Those Around You (Note: This workshop will be 75 minutes)
Room: Online
Recognizing signs of mental health struggle can be tricky. Starting conversations about them with students or colleagues can be even trickier. Jack.org developed the program Be There to equip people with a toolkit to help navigate conversations about mental health. Participants will learn how to "be there", both for ourselves and for others, including our students and colleagues. You will learn how to identify signs of struggle, initiate conversations and connect with others for help. This workshop is 75 minutes.
- Luke Van Ryn is a Program Coordinator at Jack.org for the city of Toronto. While completing a Bachelor's degree at Queen's University, he began working with youth in a camp setting and has never looked back. Since graduating in 2017, he has devoted himself to the non-profit sector with the hopes of supporting meaningful change for youth.
- Sam Khalil is a Program Coordinator for Northern, Central and parts of Southwestern Ontario at Jack.org. After completing a Bachelor of Social Work degree at Ryerson University, she joined the non-profit sector. Sam strongly believes that accessibility, equity, and empowerment are central to supporting a community-based, "mental health revolution".
B7: COFA : Mieux connaitre votre partenaire, la coalition ontarienne de formation des adultes (en français)
Room: Online
Une mise à jour des projets de COFA : de centre d'information, d'évaluation et d'aiguillage Fonce.ca dans le nord de l'Ontario et d'un projet similaire dans l'Est, ainsi que les développements entourant notre plateforme canadienne de formation à distance, unique en AFB francophone. Notre campagne de sensibilisation est en cours; Les participants apprendront d’un nouveau cours de français adapté à la petite enfance.
- Gabrielle Lopez est la directrice générale de la COFA depuis 2019. Avant de joindre la COFA, elle occupait le poste de directrice générale du Réseau pour le développement de l’alphabétisation et des compétences Canada (RESDAC). Mme Lopez possède plus de 25 ans d’expérience en gestion de projets d’envergure, au sein du gouvernement, d’entreprises privées et d’organisme à but non lucratif.
Learner Panel Video and Live Q+A
During A&CE professional development, we don’t often have the chance to hear directly from our students. Join moderator, Shirley Graham in conversation with four adult learners who will talk about their A&CE journey and how it changed their lives.
- Shirley Graham is an Education Officer at the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) in the Department of Continuing Education. She has been involved in ESL/LINC/LBS program planning for over 10 years and Enhanced Language Training (ELT) program development with World Skills for eight years. She also served for many years on the CESBA Board of Directors.
- Narcise Kakegabon is originally from Long Lake 58 First Nation in Northwestern Ontario. After working in various jobs, he returned to school and graduated with the PLAR program at Pikangikum First Nation. He coordinates Project Journey, which helps students in Pikangikum to communicate effectively, solve problems, develop leadership skills and learn through experiential activities.
- Nazifa Anwari came to Canada with her two children as a refugee from Afghanistan. She enrolled in ESL through the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB), progressed to LBS Academic Upgrading, and eventually moved to a PSW program, which included a placement at a special needs school. She is now an OCDSB employee as an Instructor Assistant for the LBS Adaptive Learning program, which trains students with developmental disabilities for the workplace. Nazifa is now a permanent resident of Canada.
- Lateef Popoola is a former accounting professional who moved to Canada from Nigeria in 2018, with his young family. After learning about the PSW program at St. James School of Alternative and Continuing Education in Smith Falls (Catholic DSB of Eastern Ontario), Lateef decided to refocus his career in the field of healthcare. Using PLAR credits from his education in Nigeria, he completed his Ontario Secondary School Diploma and his PSW certification at the same time, enrolling in prerequisite courses for a college nursing program that he hopes to begin in 2022.
- Hasan Ciftci is originally from Turkey and he came to Canada in 2017 from Senegal as a refugee claimant. After settling in Canada, he registered at the OCDSB ESL CLB 5+ class. In that class, he saw a presenter from the YMCA talk about training for Home Renovation. Hasan registered for this class and learned the language of home renovation through ESL for the Construction Trades. The technical training and work experience eventually allowed Hasan and a classmate to open their own home renovation business, September Construction. He and his wife and children live in Kanata.
C1: Digital Literacy: Youth Teaching Adults
Room: Online
ABC Life Literacy’s Youth Teaching Adults program supports digital literacy for learners in the community with the help of youth volunteers. The interactive workshop will review best and next practices for virtual learning, the ever-changing digital literacy sector and how educators can involve young adult students in this leadership opportunity.
- Greer Donaldson is the Community Coordinator at ABC Life Literacy Canada. With an Honours Bachelor's degree in Global and International Studies, Greer champions financial, digital, family and workplace literacy to support practitioners and learners across Ontario.
- Stacey Dufton is a Learning Facilitator for the Adult Learning Centres – Grey-Bruce-Georgian. For the past three years, she has worked with students from Saugeen Shores and Kincardine, supporting them to develop and apply communication, numeracy, interpersonal and digital skills to achieve their goals.
C2: Building Interfaith Bridges Through Education and Empathy
Room: Online
This workshop introduces the themes of interfaith inclusion and explores how to build positive relationships within the adult education field. Through interactive activities, participants will learn about microagressions, racism and faith-based discrimination, which is especially important after recent faith-motivated attacks in Canada. Participants will gain practical tools for dialogue and bridge-building with people of other faiths for an inclusive adult education community.
- Shaila Kibria Carter is the Interfaith Advisor at Islamic Relief Canada. She is passionate about diversity, interfaith work and multiculturalism. Her children’s book on promoting religious acceptance, Maariyah’s Day was featured in major bookstores across the country. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Theology
- Sanam Islam is the Communications Manager at Islamic Relief Canada, where she oversees the interfaith portfolio. A Ryerson journalism graduate, Sanam ‘s writing has appeared in The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star and the National Post.
C3: How Meditation and Mindfulness can Nurture Well-Being
Room: Online
There is evidence that meditation and mindfulness can help educators deal with stress and promote physical and mental well-being. Workshop participants will learn about eight different forms of meditation practice to try in your own daily practice and introduce to your students.
- Dr. Jack Miller teaches courses in holistic education and contemplative education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. He is author/editor of 20 books, including The Holistic Curriculum, Love and Compassion: Exploring their Role in Education and most recently his memoir, A Holistic Educator’s Journey. His writing has been translated into nine languages.
C4: The Resilience of Improvisation
Room: Online
Improvisation supports us to learn how to build creatively on the ideas of others, which supports inclusion, resilience and innovation. This experiential session will introduce the fundamentals of improvisation and why it is such a collaborative and inclusive tool for educators. Participants will try out and take away some great exercises to use with both colleagues and students. Please note that this workshop is infused with laughter!
- Kevin Frank is a corporate facilitator and comedic performer who has worked as a professional actor and musician for nearly 40 years. A past host of popular children’s game shows, Kevin can also be heard as many of the voices in the first feature movie of Thomas the Tank Engine. He began his career with the Second City, where he held the position of Artistic Director. He still teaches Improv.
C5: What’s New in Skilled Trades and Technology?
Room: Online
This workshop will explore how Skills Ontario is inspiring and motivating the next generation of skilled trades and technology leaders as we move toward a post-pandemic environment. Workshop participants will learn about growing partnerships with school boards, colleges, government and industry leaders to guide Ontario students to careers in skilled trades and technologies.
- Dan Cardinal is the Senior Community and Provincial Outreach & Engagement Coordinator at Skills Ontario. With over 20 years of experience in the field of employment and education, Dan has worked with many employers and education institutions, including as a representative for Algonquin College and Collège La Cité. For the past five years, he has worked with Skills Ontario to promote careers in the skilled trades and technologies.
C6: Phyllis Webstad: The Orange Shirt Day Story (Live - not recorded)
Room: Online
Every year on September 30, Canadians wear orange shirts to honour residential school survivors. Now known as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Orange Shirt Day was created to remember Phyllis Webstad’s story of her first day as a six-year-old girl at residential school when her shiny new orange shirt, bought by her grandmother, was taken from her. In this workshop, Phyllis Webstad will share her own story. Participants will be invited to join in the national conversation about the impact of residential schools and the importance of treating all people with respect.
- Phyllis Webstad is Northern Secwpemc (Shuswap) from the Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation (Canoe Creek Indian Band). She was born in Dog Creek and lives in Williams Lake, BC. She is the Ambassador and Founder of the Orange Shirt Society, and tours the country telling her story and raising awareness about the impacts of the residential school system. She has published several books. Her third book, “Beyond the Orange Shirt Story”, was released in September, 2021.